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Summa Mythologiae​

Chapter I - The Tale of Creation (Written by GuiaDeMinecraft)


"At the beginning of existence, there was only cosmic chaos, a concentration of energies and materials that exploded and imploded, expanding and devouring itself in an endless process. And then, out of that Chaos, Illuvar, Father and Mother of Gods, the First Consciousness, the Great Maker, was spawned [...] "


"[...] and discovered to be able to separate matter and energy to mould and organise them at will [...] concentrating Energy and Flame to create Yyrgunn, the First Sun in the Center of the Universe. And he saw that the spherical shape was perfect for his purposes, so he began to create more suns with which to fill the void [...] he understood that the Universe would expand faster than he could fill it, so he engendered in his womb several children who will help him in the task [...] such is the tale of the birth of the Gods."


"The first born was Irdos, created by Illuvar to be in charge of moulding Matter in the same way that he moulded Energy and Time. Irdos learned to control the physical elements and to make them turn on themselves until creating great spheres to which he called Planets. But he was so absorbed in the contemplation of solid matter that Illuvar decided to create him two sisters: Airies would dominate the lightest matter of all, the air, and so she endowed the planets her brother created with atmospheres and winds of different gases. The other sister, Rinna, would weave the movement of liquid matter that serves as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. "


"Then Illuvar become sad, because that was a beautiful Universe, but only they could contemplate it, and he thought Life was missing. But he could not fill the Universe with all-powerful Gods [...] so the three brothers decided to give their father a gift. "See, Father, what we have created for you", said Irdos proudly,"I have shaped hundreds of smaller creatures on this planet, pieces of clay that can feel, see and admire the Universe, and that can think in our image and likeness. Rinna has filled them with liquids inside them, so that they can move with fluidity and carry the energy through all corners of their bodies, and Airies has insufflated the Breath, the capacity to breathe their gases and to obtain from them the impulse of the movement. But they are inert, Father. They just wait for you to infuse them with a drop of your Energy to give them Life". Illuvar cried with joy [...] ".


"But Illuvar, the Omnipotent Being, could not breathe life into them. His Energy was so powerful that a single drop swept the surface of all the planets turning them into suns, destroying in the process all his children's creations. Then he cried with sadness [...] and thought of begetting another son who could transmit his Energy without destroying the creations. And he called that son Fiur, the Flame."


"Fiur breathed the flame into all bodies, and the Gods rejoiced when those creatures began to move. But soon they saw that something was wrong: as soon as the beings came to life and knowledge, they remained still, absorbed in the Greatness of the Universe and the Father. And the Light of Illuvar of the Million of Suns blinded them forever [...] so Illuvar begat another son, whom he called Ulduhr, and endowed him with the power to control the Darkness. "


"Ulduhr expanded Space through the Void, scattering so much the Light that between the planets there was only darkness [...] and so the planets revolved around their suns, and there was Day only in the face that looked at the sun. On the other side of the globe, however, there would be Night [...] But Ulduhr's power went much further, for he also dominated the darkness of understanding. And so he made the species ignorant to save them from destruction and immobility: everyone would know that the Gods existed, and could even see the Sons, but no one could ever see the Father again. And to establish order in the planets, it clouded the understandings of beings in different degrees. Thus, the higher beings would have intelligence and could even intuit the greatness of the Universe. Animals and beasts would lack intelligence, although they would have the ability to move, and would be guided by instincts and emotions. The plants would not have even that: they would be the most elemental and pure form of life without intellect, and would nail them in the earth so that they could not do damage to the planets with blind advances. "


"Illuvar contemplated all this satisfied, when his children came to him in alarm. "Beloved Father" explained Irdos,"Our creatures suffer inexpressibly. They walk, swim and fly without rest in our worlds, without finding meaning to their existence, since they are eternal but have no Knowledge, nor can they admire your glory. And their planets are inhospitable, cold unless they are too close to their suns, and when they are too close they are consumed. We fear that all our efforts have been in vain". But Illuvar had already thought about it: "This problem has consumed me for a millennium, but I have already given the answer". "Will you create a brother who controls the heat of the planets?", asked Fiur. And his Father replied, "No, I won't. I've already created you"[...]".

"[...] You will descend to the heart of the planets, Fiur, and breathe life into them as you did with the creatures. You will activate a magma heart in its very cores, and the lava will flow through the veins of the earth as blood runs through those of living beings. And that will heat the worlds, and make able for life to flourish".


"[…] But Illuvar knew that was not enough, because he was also the Lord of Time: even in the greatness of the Universe, at some point creatures would populate everything and could not be created any more. So Illuvar created a new god whom he called Baahn. And this would be the god of Death and Destruction, which were essential conditions for Life and Creation, and without which they are meaningless. But Illuvar created Baahn behind his other children, because he knew that they would not understand the necessity of destroying his creations [...] "


"[…] And so, the First Pantheon of Gods was complete. The brothers worked together: Irdos, Airies and Rinna created the planets and creatures to populate them, millions of different beings with diverse forms and constitutions adapted to each world. Fiur endowed those beings and their worlds with life and flame, and the orbs he left without heart turned into moons and satellites. Ulduhr extended his darkness over the world and the understandings making life possible. And when the gods did not look, Baahn took the lives of some of these creatures, and kept their spirits in the immensities of their inner plane. Illuvar observed everything and smiled satisfied, because his work of Creation was in progress [...]"


"Many worlds they created, but of all of them, one was everyone's favourite. Ethea had they called it, and their Father liked it above the others. It was a perfect and balanced world, of glorious geography, in which earth, sea and air interacted in harmony. Their creatures were the most beautiful, wise and powerful they had ever created, and although the cloak of darkness and ignorance inevitably fell upon them, they were the closest to understanding the nature of the Gods and the Heavenly Father. "


Chapter II - The War of the Gods


"Illuvar had reasons not to want to populate the universe of Gods. For though immensely powerful, they were not as perfect as the Father, and their weaknesses caused discord, envy and grudges among the brethren. Thus it was that Irdos often fought with his sisters, and these eroded his land with the force of the wind and the sea. They offered their father every world and their life-forms as an offering, wishing to please him, but they did not always agree on how that world should be [...] all kinds of strange creatures, many of which [...]


"[...] but the one who felt the most unhappy was Fiur. He endowed all creatures with life and movement, but he could never contemplate them, for he spent most of his time warming the cores of the worlds. Anger consumed him when his brothers and sisters flaunted in front of his father. "Look what fantastic creatures", said Irdos, full of pride. "But it's me who gives them life", thought Fiur in anger, and then the earth trembled and the volcanoes broke the crust of the worlds.


"One day, while Fiur was casting the iron heart of a new world, he received the visit of his brother Ulduhr, whom the others left aside because of the obscurity of his task. 

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